Page 120 - Modul CA - Etika Profesi dan Tata Kelola Korporat (Plus Soal)
P. 120

                                                                                                  DAN TATA KElOlA

               1.  The legal definition of “related parties” should refer to control and be broad enough to capture relevant
                   transactions that present a risk of potential abuse. It should be sufficiently harmonised with respect to
                   different bodies of law such as company law, listing rules and accounting standards in each jurisdiction to
                   avoid misunderstanding and an excessive regulatory burden, thereby underpinning better implementation
                   and enforcement.
               2.  The legal and regulatory framework for “related party transactions” should provide appropriate and
                   effective threshold-based tiers, referring to materiality for disclosure and shareholders’ approval and/or
                   board approval of related party transactions according to the risk of potential abuse. It should also take into
                   account regulatory efficiency, weighing the potential cost and benefits.
               3.  A company should develop and make public a policy to monitor related party transactions that should be
                   subject to an effective system of checks and balances as well as a disclosure process. This can include the
                   possibility for non-controlling shareholders to review the independence of directors in a timely manner.
               4.  The external auditor should be independent, competent and qualified in order to provide an assurance
                   to the board and shareholders that material information concerning related party transactions is fairly
                   disclosed and alert them to any significant concerns with respect to internal control. The policy framework
                   should support this role effectively.
               5.  Independent directors should play a central role in monitoring related party transactions, such as designing
                   board approval procedures, conducting investigations and having the possibility for obtaining advice from
                   independent experts. Their role should be supported by the policy framework.
               6.  Objective judgement in the decision-making process of the board should be ensured. This would include
                   giving non-controlling shareholders sufficient influence over the nomination and election of directors, in
                   particular independent directors, and the design of their incentive structures, such as remuneration policy.
               7.  Where reliance is placed on shareholders’ approval, a voting system should be established with a majority
                   of disinterested shareholders for the approval of related party transactions at Shareholders Meetings.
               8.  The legal and regulatory framework should ensure that legal action, including specialized courts and
                   alternative dispute resolution, does not prohibit minority shareholders from seeking legal redress quickly
                   and cost-effectively.             IAI
               9.  A  coherent regulatory  system  dealing  with related  party  transactions,  particularly disclosure, board
                   oversight and shareholder approval should be established in each jurisdiction to facilitate implementation
                   and enforcement efforts.

               Bagaimana upaya menangani transaksi pihak berelasi/mengandung benturan kepentingan yang bersifat
               abusive di Indonesia? Tabel 9.1 mengikhtisarkan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia
               terkait transaksi pihak berelasi/mengandung benturan kepentingan tersebut. Sementara itu, dalam Pedoman
               Umum GCG Indonesia, Bab V tentang Pemegang Saham, bagian Pedoman Pelaksanaan, terdapat beberapa
               ketentuan sebagai berikut:

               a.  Pedoman Pelaksanaan 1.2.a mewajibkan pemegang saham pengendali untuk: (i) memperhatikan
                   kepentingan pemegang saham minoritas dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya sesuai peraturan
                   perundang-undangan; dan (ii) mengungkapkan kepada instansi penegak hukum tentang pemegang
                   saham pengendali yang sebenarnya (ultimate shareholders) dalam hal terdapat dugaan terjadinya
                   pelanggaran terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan, atau dalam hal diminta oleh otoritas terkait.
               b.  Pedoman Pelaksanaan 1.2.c tentang kewajiban pemegang saham untuk dapat: (i) memisahkan
                   kepemilikan harta perusahaan dengan kepemilikan harta pribadi; dan (ii) memisahkan fungsinya
                   sebagai pemegang saham dengan fungsinya sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris atau Direksi dalam hal
                   pemegang saham menjabat pada salah satu dari kedua organ tersebut. Banyak perusahaan di Indonesia
                   yang dimiliki oleh keluarga sehingga keberadaan pemegang saham keluarga sebagai anggota Direksi
                   atau anggota Dewan Komisaris sangat dimungkinkan. Pemegang saham keluarga sekaligus manajemen
                   dapat melakukan tindakan yang merugikan pemegang saham non-pengendali. Oleh sebab itu pedoman
                   pokok pelaksanaan 1.2.c sangat relevan.

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