Page 17 - Modul CA - Sistem Informasi dan Pengendalian Internal (Plus Soal)
P. 17

SiStem informaSi
            dan Pengendalian internal


            1.  Applegate, L., Austin, R., & Soule, D. (2008).Corporate Information Strategy and Management: Text
                and Cases (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
            2.  Romney, M. B., & Steinbart, P. J. (2012). Accounting Information Systems (12th ed.). Pearson
                International Edition.
            3.  Wilkinson, J. W., Cerullo, M. J., Raval, V., & Wong-On-Wing, B. (2000). Accounting Information
                Systems: Essential Concepts and Applications (4th ed.). Wiley.



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