Page 93 - Modul CA - Sistem Informasi dan Pengendalian Internal (Plus Soal)
P. 93

SiStem informaSi
            dan Pengendalian internal

                                                       Exhibit 1
                                                General Bill of Material

            Part                               Qty. in Each Turbocharger        No. of Different P/N’s*
            Wheel and shaft                                1                              4
            Turbine wheel                                  1                              4
            Shaft                                          1                              1
            Compressor wheel                               1                              12
            Turbine housing                                1                              12
            Compressor housing                             1                              12
            Bearing housing                                1                              1
            Bearing                                        1                              1
            Compressor plate                               1                              6
            Nuts                                           16                             3
            Washers                                        16                             3
            Seal rings                                     4                              15
            O-rings                                        2                              4
            Grease                                         2                              1
            Plastic packing caphousings                    2                              1
            Plastic packing capoil ports                   2                              1
            Box                                            1                              1


            Shrink wrap        DOKUMEN
            Silica pack                                    1                              1
            *For example, there are 12 different sizes of compressor wheels. Each turbocharger uses one compressor wheel.
            Wheels are combined with other components to make different finished turbochargers.

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