Berita IAI

IAI Leadership for Period 2018-2022

26 Desember 2018 - Info IAI

We are pleased to inform you that the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants/Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) has successfully held the Kongres XIII IAI in Jakarta on 10-12 December 2018. The event consisted of a two-day International Seminar and the Institute's general meeting, attended by more than 1,500 prominent accountants and members of the Institute from all over Indonesia. An important part of the general meeting is the IAI National Council election, where more than 1,000 members cast their vote to decide the future of IAI and the accountancy profession in Indonesia. 

Held as part of IAI's 61st anniversary, the Kongres XIII IAI was formally opened by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Ir. H. Joko Widodo (Jokowi), at the Presidential State Palace in Jakarta. In his speech, Jokowi highlighted the important role of accountants in supporting Government's initiatives through creation of an effective, economic, agile, and accountable reporting system that can be used by stakeholders in Indonesia. 

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Mardiasmo as the President of the IAI National Council for the periof of 2018-2022. Prof. Mardiasmo currently serves as the Vice Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. He also serves as a Member of the Board of Commissioners of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan / Financial Services Authority (ex-officio from the Ministry of Finance). He is a Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Business in Universitas Gajah Mada. During his previous leadership term, Prof. Mardiasmo has led IAI in launching the Chartered Accountant (CA) Indonesia designation, as a qualification for professional accountants in Indonesia. IAI also launched the IAI For Society Program, aimed to contribute more not only for the profession but also on the development of Indonesia’s economy. 

Please find the following names of elected IAI National Council members for the period of 2018-2022:

1) Prof. Mardiasmo (President);

2) Prof. Ainun Naim;

3) Bambang Pamungkas;

4) Bachtiar Arief;

5) Dadang Kurnia;

6) David Elezaar Sonak;

7) Dwi Setiawan Susanto;

8) Isnaeni Achdiat;

9) Ito Warsito;

10) Maliki Heru Santosa;

11)  Prof. Lindawati Gani;

12)  Prof. Nunuy Nur Afiah;

13)  Rosita Uli Sinaga;

14)  Prof. Sidharta Utama;

15)  Prof. Sri Mulyani, and 

16)  Tia Adityasih.

For an official report of the opening of the Kongres XIII IAI by the Cabinet Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia, please refer to the following link: