Berita IAI


03 Mei 2018 - Release

Advancement of technology potentially brings many benefits to accountants and finance functions if they are willing to embrace them. The business environment is changing. Advances in technology are challenging established businesses and business models. Organizations are in a race to remain relevant to their customers and communities.

Acknowledging the importance of technology as a catalyst of change, Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants/IAI), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), and ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA) collaborate to host the ACCA-IAI-AFA Regional Joint Conference 2018: The Race for Relevance – Technology Opportunities for Accounting and Finance Function, on Wednesday (3/5). The conference will bring global and regional Southeast Asian speakers as well as an expected 150 participants who are members of IAI, ACCA, and AFA.

IAI as the recognized accountancy profession organization in Indonesia acknowledges the latest development of the profession, be it nationally, regionally and globally. IAI continues to encourage professional accountants to contribute to the national economic development in the latest digital era. Accountants play an important and strategic role in building a strong business culture and vision, and in implementing international best practice, to build up values that will benefit the national stakeholders in general.

In the age of digital economy, Indonesia implements further reforms to stabilizing financial markets and fostering an investment friendly environment become priorities. These efforts should be supported through enhanced financial transparency as well as improved accounting and auditing practices. Accounting practices need to contribute to the reform process by adequately serving the needs of providers and users of financial information.

Among the key panelists expected to share their thoughts on the subject matter are Sukarela Batunanggar (Deputy Commissioner of OJK Institute), Isnaeni Achdiat (Member of DSAP IAI, President of ISACA Indonesia Chapter), Anuj Chopra (Senior Software Engineer of IBM Center for Blockchain Innovation, IBM Research Singapore Lab), and Dr Nurmazilah Dato’ Mahzan (CEO, MIA).

IAI-ACCA-AFA Regional Joint Conference 2018 is an important step to support the value of the profession and to meet the need of organizations to make better decisions.

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