Berita IAI


25 Oktober 2017 - Release


For immediate release


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of BANGLADESH Joins Chartered Accountants Worldwide and strengthens international presence


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) has become the twelfth member of international body Chartered Accountants Worldwide. ICAB is the seventh Chartered Accountancy body to be awarded Associate membership to the organisation since it was launched in February 2013.


As an Associate Member, ICAB joins a group of globally-recognised Chartered Accountancy bodies that are committed to enhancing the value of the Chartered Accountant brand and the profession. Being admitted to Chartered Accountants Worldwide recognises the importance of the qualification in Bangladesh and demonstrates ICAB’s commitment to the highest professional and ethical standards.


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) is a national professional accountancy body in Bangladesh, established under the Bangladesh Chartered Accountants Order, 1973 (President’s Order No. 2 of 1973) for the purpose of regulating the profession of accountants and related matters that also formulates Accounting and Auditing Standards for Bangladesh.


Chartered Accountants have been a mark of excellence in the accountancy and business sectors for over 150 years. There are Chartered Accountants working in over 200 locations across the world.


Pat Costello, Chairman of Chartered Accountants Worldwide said: “We are delighted that ICAB has joined the Chartered Accountants Worldwide family. ICAB has played a key role in developing the accountancy profession in Bangladesh over the last four decades and shares our ambition to work together and promote the very highest standards of the profession globally. We look forward to the fresh perspectives ICAB will bring to the table.”


President Adeeb H. Khan of ICAB said, “ICAB is delighted to become an Associate Member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide and to be part of this global family. We look forward to working with Chartered Accountants Worldwide to further increase the value and reputation of the Chartered Accountancy brand in Bangladesh and internationally”.

Prof Mardiasmo, President of Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI/Indonesia Institute of Chartered Accountants) like to welcome CA Bangladesh to join CAW. Membership with and recognition from CAW is a key milestone in continuous efforts to further strengthen the CA qualification around the world, with the broader aim to build the capacity of professional accountants in the country and be ready with the ever-changing regional and global environment.

He said, “I believe accountants in Bangladesh, as well as in Indonesia, welcome the opportunity to work together with Chartered Accountants Worldwide and its members, to strengthen the role of the accountancy profession and influence the future of the global profession.” 

Chartered Accountants are right at the heart of business and play a vital role throughout the global economy. By joining Chartered Accountants Worldwide as an Associate member, ICAB, with over 1,700 members, continues the expansion of the organisation which now supports some 700,000 members and over 1m students worldwide. Chartered Accountants Worldwide members include the founder members: Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), Chartered Accountants Ireland, ICAEW, ICAS and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), and associate members: the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA), the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP), The Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA), the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI), the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.


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Media enquiries:


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh :

Mahbub Ahmed Siddique

Muhammed Imrul Quayes :


Chartered Accountants Worldwide :

Contact James Douglass on +44 (0)20 7920 8718 or email


Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia

Contact Dedi Irawan on +62 21 31904232 ext 700 or email 



Notes to editors:


1.      Chartered Accountants Worldwide

Chartered Accountants Worldwide has been created by the leading institutes of Chartered Accountants from around the world to support, develop and promote the vital role that Chartered Accountants play throughout the global economy. More information on the organisation can be found at 


Chartered Accountants Worldwide Associate membership is open to Chartered Accountancy bodies who:

·         refer to their members as Chartered Accountants and legitimately use the Chartered Accountant brand;

·         are a member of IFAC or an IFAC Recognised Regional Organisation (e.g., CAPA or PAFA);

·         require their members to commit to continuing professional development;

·         are committed to working together to promote the Chartered Accountancy brand; and

·         can demonstrate how they are improving the quality of the Chartered Accountancy qualification.

2.      Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh

ICAB is a leading professional membership organization that promotes and develops accountancy profession in Bangladesh. ICAB members hold a widely respected professional accounting qualification which supports enterprise, corporate governance and sustainable growth in the business environment. As leaders in accountancy, finance and business ICAB members have the knowledge, skills and commitment to maintain the highest professional standards and integrity. ICAB is working to promote and regulate high quality financial reporting and auditing in Bangladesh, to develop and maintain the competence of professional accountants and to enhance the reputation of the accounting profession in all sectors of the economy.

3.      Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia

Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants – IAI) is responsible for the regulation of professional accountants, including setting accounting standards in the private sector, administering the Chartered Accountant (CA) Indonesia exam, providing continuing professional education, establishing a code of ethics, adopting professional standards, and maintaining a disciplinary system for members. IAI membership comprises accountants from all accounting backgrounds, including public accountants/auditors, management accountants, tax accountants, internal auditors, academics and public sector accountants. Prior to 2014, membership in the IAI was voluntary; however, in 2014, the Minister of Finance Decree No. 25 of 2014 on State Registered Accountants introduced the requirement for accountants to become a member of a professional organization prior to their registration with the Minister of Finance. For more information, please visit