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28 Mei 2019 - Release
In its capacity as a financial reporting standard-setter, the Institute of Indonesia Charted Accountants/Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) launches the Indonesian Financial Reporting Standards/Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) Online, an online application to access the SAK. Launched at the IAI National Meeting (May 2019), the application is a contribution of the Institute in enhancing the quality of financial reporting in Indonesia. It is also aimed to accelerate business and finance stakeholders’ literacy of the SAK.
President of the IAI National Council, Prof. Mardiasmo, underlines the application launching as part of the IAI National Council’s (2018-2022) strategic programs, reflected in the 6.1 Initiative/Prakarsa 6.1: Menguasai Perubahan, Menyiapkan Masa Depan. It is also part of IAI’s effort in ensuring the quality and capability of holders of the Chartered Accountant (CA) Indonesia designation.
SAK Online is a benefit for active members of IAI, facilitating accessibility to SAK published by IAI. Provided they have access to internet, active members can access the SAK Online via their smartphone. The application provides the latest and up-to-date SAK, including the IFRS-based SAK, SAK for entities with no significant public accountability/SAK Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP), SAK for micro and SMEs/SAK Entitas Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (SAK EMKM), and SAK for Sharia transactions/SAK Syariah.
Executive Director of IAI, Elly Zarni Husin, highlights accessibility of the in-house application (designed by IAI’s Information Technology team) that can be downloaded through Android and iOS platform. The application is part of phase 3 of IAI Lounge technological development launched at the Kongres XIII IAI in December 2018. To access the SAK Online, all IAI members (Primary, Associate, Student) must login using the @akuntanindonesia account, a facility dedicated to active members of IAI.
Elly encourages all members of IAI to activate their membership and invites those who are eligible to be a member of the Institute to register. IAI facilitates online membership registration via the IAI Lounge, a membership portal of the Institute. Through IAI Lounge, IAI members can among others, report their Satuan Kredit PPL (SKP) to meet the membership Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement, manage their membership, access all IAI publications and other benefits.
Please refer to the following link for guidance to register for the SAK Online:
The SAK Online application can be downloaded in the following links:
IAI continues to improve its service to more than 30,000 members throughout Indonesia, through the use of information technology. Moving forward, IAI is working on breakthroughs and activities, to continue with the collective efforts in enhancing the quality and competence of professional accountants in Indonesia.